Cleanup the ECS cluster

Please note that this workshop has been archived and is not actively maintained. On September 30, 2026, AWS will discontinue support for AWS App Mesh. For more information, visit this blog post.

  • Delete the services running in your cluster.
 # Define variables #
CLUSTER_NAME=$(jq < cfn-output.json -r '.EcsClusterName');
# Delete ecs services #
aws ecs list-services \
  --cluster $CLUSTER_NAME | \
jq -r ' .serviceArns[] | [.] | @tsv ' | \
  while IFS=$'\t' read -r serviceArn; do 
    aws ecs delete-service \
      --cluster $CLUSTER_NAME \
      --service $serviceArn \
  • Stop all running tasks.
# Define variables #
CLUSTER_NAME=$(jq < cfn-output.json -r '.EcsClusterName');
# Stop ecs tasks #
aws ecs list-tasks \
  --cluster $CLUSTER_NAME | \
jq -r ' .taskArns[] | [.] | @tsv' | \
  while IFS=$'\t' read -r taskArn; do 
    aws ecs stop-task --cluster $CLUSTER_NAME --task $taskArn;
  • Delete the cluster.
# Define variables #
CLUSTER_NAME=$(jq < cfn-output.json -r '.EcsClusterName');
# Delete the ecs cluster #
aws ecs delete-cluster --cluster $CLUSTER_NAME
  • De-register all task definitions.
# Define variables #
TASK_DEF_FAMILY=$(jq < cfn-output.json -r '.CrystalTaskDefinition' | \
  cut -d'/' -f2 | cut -d':' -f1)
# Delete ecs task definitions #
aws ecs list-task-definitions \
  --family-prefix $TASK_DEF_FAMILY | \
jq -r ' .taskDefinitionArns[] | [.] | @tsv' | \
  while IFS=$'\t' read -r taskDefinitionArn; do 
    aws ecs deregister-task-definition --task-definition $taskDefinitionArn;